# Issue Types The cause of the issues can be located at different places and the sum of those single bootlenecks slow down the overall user experience. ``` Browser <--> Client JS <------> API Server Endpoint <-> Content Service <-> Notebook [A] [B] [C] [D] - [A] Browser Rendering - [B] Client-side Notebook Parsing, Validation and Preparation - [C] Server to Client Notebook Transmission over the Network - [D] Server-side Notebook Read, Parsing, Validation, Trust ``` A notebook can present one or multiple issue types. Issues are identified based on [user report](./reports). We have curated [notebook examples](https://github.com/jupyterlab/benchmarks/tree/master/examples) that demonstrates some issues. ## Issue Type 1 - Many Cell Editors - Bootlenecks: [B] - Benchmark: `manyCells`, `errorOutputs` ## Issue Type 2 - Large Text Output - Bootlenecks: [B] - Benchmark to run: `manyOutputs` `longOutput` `50000Errors` ## Issue Type 3 - Many Rich Output - Bootlenecks: [B] + [D] - Benchmark to run: `largePlotly`, `manyPlotly` ## Issue Type 4 - Large .ipynb file - Bootlenecks: [A] + [C] + [D] - Benchmark to run: `manyOutputs` `longOutput` `50000Errors`